Artist Profile


Cédric Pierre-Bez, known professionally as CéPé, was born in Marseille in 1984 and now lives and works in Montpellier. After graduating as a graphic designer from the Kedge School of Design, he decided to devote himself to illustration, which he does on a freelance basis.

Having grown up in Marseille, CéPé's work captures the light and colours of the south of France. It's his main source of inspiration and where he draws his creative energy. His creations draw on the graphic influences that have had the greatest impact on him, mainly the major artistic movements of the 20th century, such as Cubism and Expressionism.

In his compositions, CéPé likes to deconstruct space, bodies and faces to imagine a distorted and naive world. He enjoys sublimating the imperfections of his characters and highlighting them because he finds them beautiful. His favourite subjects are scenes from everyday life and nudes.


10 products

Apres Midi de Chien - CéPé - East Side Studio - Art Prints
Apres Midi de Chien - CéPé Sale priceFrom £29.00
Cornichon Love - CéPé - East Side Studio - Art Prints
Cornichon Love - CéPé Sale priceFrom £40.00
Game of Thrones - CéPé - East Side Studio - Art Prints
Game of Thrones - CéPé Sale priceFrom £29.00
Le Cirque - CéPé - East Side Studio - Art Prints
Le Cirque - CéPé Sale priceFrom £29.00
Le Pique Nique - CéPé - East Side Studio - Art Prints
Le Pique Nique - CéPé Sale priceFrom £39.00
Manege Amour - CéPé - East Side Studio - Art Prints
Manege Amour - CéPé Sale priceFrom £29.00
Nouvelles Graces - Cépé - East Side Studio - Art Prints
Nouvelles Graces - Cépé Sale priceFrom £29.00
Pagan Heaven - CéPé - East Side Studio - Art Prints
Pagan Heaven - CéPé Sale priceFrom £25.00
Piscine Privee - CéPé - East Side Studio - Art Prints
Piscine Privee - CéPé Sale priceFrom £39.00
Sur - I - Herbe - CéPé - East Side Studio - Art Prints
Sur-I-Herbe - CéPé Sale priceFrom £40.00